Thursday, December 21, 2023

You’re not alone


The right relationships in our lives can certainly encourage and empower us. For example, when a trustworthy friend says to you, “I am with you”, it could mean a lot of things like, their physical presence, to be on the same page with you, taking a step along with you, giving you their undivided attention, fully supporting what you are doing, honest correction, or loving counsel, etc.

Whenever God called people out with a mission, the promise He always gave was.. “I am with you”.

Whether it was Abraham with whom God made a covenant, Moses who lead a great multitude on an adventurous journey from Egypt through wilderness, Joshua His successor who continued the mission to the promised land or David or great prophets, and the apostles in the Bible, the first thing God promised was that His presence will be with them. 

When Jesus came into this world, another name that was given Him is Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us”, making this special promise true for anyone who would choose to follow Him.

Imagine the God who made this entire universe coming down to this earth as a little helpless baby to be with His creation, identifying as one of them. He chose to be with us, to redeem us and to make sure that we have the blessed hope of spending eternity with Him. 

Jesus coming and being with us is not just a past event or a futuristic hope, but a present day experiential reality while we live our lives on the earth. His promise remains the same, as He remains the same, yesterday, today and forever. He told His disciples, “..lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭20‬ b).. 

We see this confirmed in another passage, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 b). That takes the promise a step further, in saying, He will NEVER leave you, NOR forsake you. What a firm proclamation, and a guaranteed promise of His presence and support. 

No other friend, fellow human beings, or any world systems can ever give you such an assurance, but only the Lord Jesus Christ. Not just during the good times, but even when you pass through valleys and adversities, yes, in all seasons of our lives, He walks closely with us, speaks to us, and provides help in all our needs. He is still Immanuel - God with us!

As you draw near to Him today, may you be enveloped in His sweet presence, and may your heart overflow with joy and comfort which only He is able to provide, and may He bless you abundantly!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Father’s Care

“Martin Luther, when he walked in the woods, used to raise his hat to the birds and say, ‘Good morning, theologians — you wake and sing, but I old fool, know less than you and worry over everything, instead of simply trusting in the Heavenly Father’s care.” - Richard Wurmbrand.

It’s wonderful to wake up to the sound of birds singing their happy songs. As we transition out of winter, we hear them sing louder and more cheerful. Even before the sprouting of the first leaf of spring, we can see them sitting on barren tree branches and singing beautifully.

All creation praises God in their own ways, but birds definitely do an excellent job at it by their worry-free sweet singing. In contrast to that, sometimes we could find ourselves having a difficult time keeping up our melodies, especially in times of undesirable circumstances.

In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 10, we see Jesus talking about the two sparrows that were sold for a copper coin.

“29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” - Matthew 10:29-31

The sparrow that fell to the ground, though it is of little value, and may be insignificant to it’s human owner, it’s path is also not hidden from the Almighty God. Jesus used the example of this sparrow to explain the Heavenly Father’s care. Also He explained that the hairs of your head are all numbered, and for one of them to fall off your head, it need to get permission from the Heavenly Father first. We have a Father who is interested in every minute detail of our life and nothing that we face today is hidden from His eyes.

How blessed it is to know that you are being not only thought about, but also cared for by this loving Heavenly Father. He is the source and the sustainer of everything that is good in our lives. He is very compassionate and merciful that He gave His only begotten Son in your place on the cross of Calvary. Jesus made a way possible through His death that you can draw near to this ever-faithful, gracious Heavenly Father. Therefore commit your ways into His mighty hands, and sing out loud the sweet melodies and songs of hope and the anthem of trust, may the Lord God bless you abundantly!


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

True Rest


“Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves.” - Watchman Nee

In the midst of a busy and productive life, rest is sometimes frowned upon and often considered an unaffordable luxury.  However, rest is important for the proper function of a person. After daily toils and stress, we need rest to repair and rebuild ourselves.  Rest enables the body to be refreshed and rejuvenated. It also helps the mind to focus and to have more clarity in thinking which is important for cognitive decision making.

Rest usually is associated with the limited hours of sleep. Though sleeping is a part of rest, it only plays a small role.  Rest has a more deeper meaning that it’s a point we can reach where all internal (and external) conflicts are placed under subjection, bringing in a peaceful quietness.

 The concept of work and rest was introduced by God himself, as He rested from all His works on the seventh day of creation.  The fullness of rest can only come with enjoying the presence of God.  Only there your mind and spirit can find the stillness and serenity which brings in a more peaceful  rest.

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬)

One of the many blessings Jesus offers is true rest to whosoever that comes to him. All our labors and heavy loads will only intensify despondency and unrest.  However, in coming to Jesus a divine exchange is made possible. There you can leave your burdens down and take upon His yoke which is easy and His burden which is light. He promises a rest that is unique and fulfilling that you can take upon.

On the cross of calvary, Jesus took upon Himself our pain and burden of sin.  He offered us salvation and His shed blood cleansed us from all unrighteousness. Whenever you feel heavy and burdened in your soul, gaze your eyes upon the Lord and Master.  Draw near to Him, run into His embracing arms, and as you make that choice today to come to Him, may you find this true rest for your body and soul. God bless you!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Shepherd of my soul

Sheep is a very interesting animal. Sometimes it is just fun to observe them, though it is a bit challenging to raise them. They are vulnerable to predators, and are susceptible to parasites. They can easily get frightened and can quickly go into a panic mode. They are also inclined to run away.  A sheep really does need a shepherd to take care of it. 

The story of a run away sheep named Chris in Australia was published in many newspapers. Chris had run away from the flock, and his wool had overgrown into great proportions. When he was found in 2015, he could barely walk, and was at high risk for diseases.  Fortunately Chris was not killed during the wandering nor was eaten by predators. Chris’s wool was grown five times its normal size in five years. He wouldn’t have survived another hot summer, with its oversized wool. But just at the nick of time, a hiker spotted him, and he was rescued and delivered.

The Bible compares a child of God to a sheep. King David opens his famous Psalm 23, by stating unequivocally, “The Lord is My Shepherd”.  We all have the nature of sheep in us. We are also naturally inclined to running away from the loving care of our great Shepherd. As Apostle Peter says,

“For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” - 1 Peter‬ ‭2:25‬

Just like the runaway sheep Chris, we had gone astray at times, and had put ourselves in great danger.  With no one to care for, we were faced with the predators and parasites, the life circumstances had brought our way. Fear and panic had taken us down, while we wandered around aimlessly. But thanks be to our God who rescues us always just at the nick of time. He is our good Shepherd and the Overseer for our soul.

Jesus said,

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” - John 10:11

We have a wonderful Shepherd who indeed is the greatest, and willingly gave His life for us on the cross to redeem us. It’s relieving to know that we are no longer orphans or estranged sheep, but our souls have an Overseer.  We belong to this awesome Shepherd as we commit our life into His hands. This great Shepherd holds us close to Him in a way that no entity can snatch us out of His tender care.

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” - John 10:27-28

 If you follow this Shepherd, you can run to Him, when you feel lonely.  He will be there to rescue you on time, when you feel caught up in troubles. When you need guidance and counsel, this Overseer of your soul will lead you in the path of life. 

When you hear the voice of this good Shepherd in your heart, don’t hold back any longer.  Instead run to Him, believe in His redeeming work, and it’s guaranteed that you are eternally secure in His loving arms. May the Lord bless you!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Trusting in Tribulations

“Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence.” - Augustine

When the prophet Habakuk in the Bible was going through some really tough times, we see him concluding with his courageous resolutions.

“Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakuk 3:17-18)

Prior to this exuberant proclamation, in the same chapter, we see him starting off his prayer with anxiety and fear, talking about a pandemic of pestilence and fever taking place during that time. Nations were being affected and there was anger and indignation all around.

Seeing all these, Habakuk was trembling and was greatly troubled. But the resolution that he came up with at the end was quite striking, that he decided to keep himself encouraged, with an attitude of gratitude and praise.

Habakuk was only able to draw out that kind of peace after pouring out his heart before God. He experienced assurance that enabled him to make a new decision and a bold declaration of faith and confidence!

We can certainly relate to how he felt initially, especially as our world also is faced with this great tragedy and turmoil. In the face of adversity, uncertainty and helplessness, it’s comforting to know that there is a place we can run to as Habakuk did. It certainly is the sure place of refuge for any ailing soul. When we face situations beyond our control, the almighty God is still strong to hold us together in His loving arms.

Jesus said, These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Amidst the tribulations of this world, may our hearts find peace and comfort in Him. Even when our Lord Jesus had to go through great sufferings, He overcame sin and conquered death. The resurrected savior sees our tribulations and gives us the promise and guarantee of us overcoming as well. Because of Him there are brighter days ahead that we can look forward to.

May your heart receive great consolation from the Lord that changes your fear to faith, concerns to confidence, and worries to worship. May you be strengthened by the power of His grace in the midst of tribulations as well as to overcome and emerge victorious. May the good Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life! Take care!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Greatest Gift


“I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes.” -  Zig Ziglar

In this day and time, it means a lot to be able to open your eyes every morning and watch each new day dawning. As the whole world is going through the pandemic, during these trying months, unwrapping each day requires great care as the anxious anticipations are awaiting, trying to take over the hopeful expectations. Regardless we are grateful to the Lord God Almighty for each new day, and for His great gift of life itself.

In Luke 12, Jesus spoke of a man who had all the gifts and possessions one could ask for in this earthly life. This man had no financial worries, as he was rich. He was very successful in his career, and his endeavors yielded plentifully. As he ran out of rooms to store all the goods, he had to expand his facilities. He had a great abundance to save up for the future. He was ready and prepared to face any kind of lockdown or quarantine that could possibly happen. Also, he had good health to eat, drink and be merry, and take his ease and enjoy everyday. But from the text, we understand that the only thing he lacked was that his eyes weren’t open to see beyond this earthly life.

Jesus states a very thought provoking question that, what will happen if his life on earth comes to an end that day. Everything he had will become lost and meaningless for him. There was nothing wrong with this man being very successful, but the problem was that his vision was only limited to this life. Jesus encourages us to see beyond this world into eternity. In fact, He provided a way for us to do that. As He came into this world, as a babe lying in the manger, God’s love and mercy were revealed in the priceless gift that was ever given to mankind. By His death on the cross and His resurrection, the greatest redemption work was carried out, so that we may have eternal life. Just simply believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ, we can freely receive the gift of everlasting life. 

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - ‭‭Romans‬ ‭6:23‬

Opening gifts is fun and interesting. It brings an element of surprise and excitement. The gift of life is beautiful, but it is even more desirable and essential to accept the gift of eternal life. I pray that our eyes will remain open to this gift of eternal life that’s freely given by the Heavenly Father. May your life be filled with overflowing joy and gladness as you unwrap this greatest gift that is lasting and eternal. May God bless you!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Divine Peace

When we think of the word, “peace”, many pictures can come into our mind. It can be a picture of calmness, serenity, restfulness or tranquility. There is a story that talks about peace:

“Long time ago there was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures, but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror, reflecting a peaceful towering mountain around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest, resting in perfect peace. Which picture do you think won the prize?

The king chose the second picture. “Because,” explained the king, “peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.” 

The Bible talks about a kind of peace which “surpasses all understanding”. It’s the kind of peace only God can give!

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

In the midst of all that is happening around us, in the middle of the uncertainties and chaos, it’s natural to feel restless, troubled and anxious. In the midst of all the storms, we would definitely need this supernatural peace to keep us intact.

The only way for us to receive this peace is to come to the Lord Jesus Christ who Himself is the Prince of Peace. He is the perfect embodiment of peace. He is our peace and the peace that He gives is beyond our comprehension. That peace is strong enough to guard our hearts and minds.

May all your days be filled with that kind of supernatural peace as you lift your eyes up to Him everyday. May God bless you!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Lost and Found

Have you ever lost something and wanted to get it back so badly? Well, most of us can relate to that. Whether it is a small thing or big, if we lose something that’s important to us, we all desire to have it restored. And if we ever are able to find it, we would be exhilarated. It’s not just true about material things but also applicable for other scenarios. Getting back on track after losing the way or getting restored to a relationship that was thought to be lost or even finding oneself back after feeling lost in life situations, all bring a tremendous amount of joy.

It’s interesting to learn the three lost and found scenarios described in Luke chapter 15.

The first example is of a sheep that was lost accidently by the shepherd. The loss was negligible as it was only one among a hundred. However, to the shepherd it was very significant that he took a high risk in leaving the ninety nine behind in the wilderness to search for the one that was lost.

Next is a woman who lost one coin out of ten coins she possessed. She also didn’t want to leave it behind. The loss occurred probably by her own carelessness or lack of diligence, however upon realizing her loss she went out after it, lit a lamp, swept the house, and searched carefully until she found it. 

Third, we see one son among two who got lost from the house by him purposely leaving his father to live a prodigal life. However, his father didn’t write him off, but rather waited for him to come back. When he finally came back, the father wholly accepted him back even at the risk of offending his older son who stayed with him all along.

Jesus used these parables to explain that regardless of how the loss has happened, whether by accident, or by lack of diligence or by purposely walking away, there is still hope. The only thing the lost sheep could do was to cry out until the shepherd comes. The woman who lost the coin prevailed by her persistence and diligence.  Our loving Heavenly Father has His arms stretched out to receive the repentant ones who are turning to Him. 

Of all the losses, the ultimate loss is the loss of your soul. The Bible says, For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). 

The heart-captivating eternal love of the Father assumes great value to the lost.  You are significant enough to be put back together as a great price has already been paid for you at the cross of Jesus. Hence don’t wait for another day, as “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” ‭‭(II Corinthians‬ ‭6:2‬b.). May He put back together the lost pieces in your life as you call out, seek and come home to Him, God bless you!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Guiding Star

"I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my guide." - Martin Luther

At the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the wise men from the East set on a journey seeing an unusual star in the sky.  They first went to the palace of King Herod in Jerusalem thinking that they were going to pay homage to the newborn king of Israel.  They were very excited to enquire of this wonderful news, however, to their surprise their visit seem to only trouble King Herod, as well as all the people in Jerusalem.  The king immediately gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, and they helped identify that Bethlehem would be the birthplace - where Christ or Messiah would be born. As the wise men were sent out to Bethlehem, strangely, no one showed enthusiasm in taking the journey with them in search of their promised Messiah.

The responses of the king and the people of Jerusalem may have made the wise men even wonder about the relevance of their long and hard journey.  Perplexed as they may be, they didn’t give up but rather resumed their journey. A great shift occurred when they looked up again and saw the marvelous sight.  The star that they had seen in the East, was still up in the sky, though they had lost sight of it briefly, the star never had lost track of them.

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” - Matthew 2:10

The sight of the star brought back renewed purpose and meaning to their journey. The star shined brightly with God’s love, care and affirmation.  Though the people who were expected to take the journey with them were not present, God has always been with them throughout their journey. The star led them all the way till they came to where the young Child was, and stood over there.  The star has guided them to the right place, among hundreds of mangers in Bethlehem. How awesome is the experience to see Heaven standing with you, helping and guiding you.

The star led them to the Lord, who himself is the Bright and Morning Star.”(Revelation 22:16b).  His birth indeed brought good tidings of great joy to all people. Jesus is the only one who can give hope to anyone who is wandering in darkness and discouragement.  Through Him we can also experience the amazing love of God filling our hearts with everlasting hope.

Even if sometimes we lose sight of the way, God will never lose sight of us, and we can count on Him to watch over us, to lead us and guide us all the way!  As you look up to Him today, may your heart rejoice and be glad with exceeding joy, as His divine guidance lead you to your right destination!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Thirst of the soul

The well was dry beside the door,
And so we went with pail and can
Across the fields behind the house
To seek the brook if still it ran;” - Robert Frost

Thirst can make anyone stop what they are doing and go in search of water.  Every living thing feels the same when it comes to needing water. We see a thirsty deer depicted in Psalm 42, which pants to get to the water brooks.  May be after a long hot day of wandering around in search of food or after the strain in trying to run to a safe place from its predators, this deer yearns to get to a stream of water to revitalize it’s weary self.  Psalmist was able to relate to this deer as he found his soul deeply wanting to be quenched of its thirst.

As the quenching of the physical thirst is an absolute necessity, even more the thirst of the soul.  However, it could not be satisfied with the natural sources. Even the most expensive drink would not work, when it comes to a weary soul.  Like the mirages in the wilderness, the temporal things leave the soul destitute and wandering for the real thing.

The woman at the well that Jesus encountered in John 4 was also in a similar situation.  She knew where to get water for her physical need and came to draw it out. However, she had a greater thirst deep inside her soul which remained unsatisfied.  She had tried many things and been in different relationships but none of it worked. Whether she recognized her real need or not, that day a miracle was awaiting her.  As she went to draw out water that day, Jesus who was sitting at the well asked her for a drink. It was unusual for a Rabbi to speak to a woman and especially to a Samaritan.  While she stood surprised, Jesus said:

If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” (John 4:10)
The real purpose of the Lord talking to her was that she would come to know the gift of God and who Jesus really is. Jesus gave her a wonderful offer that He is able to give her the living water. He also said, it will spring up in the inner being of whoever drinks it, a fountain of living water.  Hence not just pacifying the immediate thirst but something that is lasting and continually satisfying.

Who wouldn’t want to take up such an offer and for free! What an amazing news for any thirsty soul to have the kind of water that would quench the thirst of the soul and spirit. And moreover, how wonderful to get to know this life-giving source of eternal contentment. If you feel like your wells are running dry and the brooks are nowhere to be seen, let’s remember that His offer still stands, and hence let us draw closer to Him!  May your thirst be quenched and your soul be abundantly satisfied as you drink from Him today, God bless you!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Glorious Resurrection

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” - Martin Luther

Springtime is a season of renewal, new beginnings, new buddings, it brings a sense of rejuvenation.  Even the plants, animals and vegetation awakes with great excitement. It’s a natural law that no matter how long and bitter cold the winter was, the spring always is sure to follow.  The leaves that were dead for weeks and months, comes alive and that amazingly reminds us of the promise of resurrection. No matter how hard and painful the reality of death is, the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ brings unparalleled hope, joy, life and exuberance.

Two of the disciples of Jesus were on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the same day the Lord rose again.  They had heard from the women who went to the tomb and also from some of their fellow disciples about Jesus’ resurrection.  But for them the news was not so exciting initially. They were still finding it hard to digest the facts of Him being betrayed and crucified.  Filled with discouragement and disappointment, they were extremely fearful that those who persecuted Jesus will hurt them also. Wondering that even if Jesus is resurrected, would He remember them and would come to rescue them?  They were not so sure of that and hence were very sad and gloomy, conversing and reasoning with each other and trying to run away from everything.

The Bible says that not only Jesus went and walked with them all the way to their destination, but also took time to explain to them all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself, though they did not know Him, for their eyes were restrained.  They were very slow in believing what the Scriptures had said, nevertheless, quick to invite Jesus over to stay with them where they were staying. This awesome decision changed their destiny and the course of their life journey forever. Their eyes were opened while Jesus blessed the meal and they knew Him instantly as He vanished from their sight. The encounter with the resurrected Lord was so powerful that it revitalized the core of their being that they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem with exhilaration.

Our Lord Jesus always make time for us to walk with us all the way in our journeys. Those who invite Jesus over to their hearts and homes will never ever be the same again.  He will come in and change the course of your journey for better, from hopeless end to endless hope. His resurrection gives us the assurance that as He overcame, so can we also overcome.  No matter how discouraging the circumstances may be, the end can still be glorious as He is Risen, yes Risen Indeed!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Divine Love

“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” -  C. S. Lewis

The evidence of the existence of love in one’s heart finds its expression through words and deeds.  God’s love for mankind is displayed even from the time of creation. In His love, God prepared everything else in this world prior to creating man.  Unlike other creations, man was made in His own image and likeness. Though everything else came into existence by His Word, when it came to man, God took time and care and formed him out the dust of the ground.

With all of that, still we see the greatest display of God’s love at the cross of Jesus. When God decided to demonstrate His love to a lost and fallen world, He chose the most precious and unique way to do so.  It involved not sparing His own son at the cross to redeem you and me, the imperfect, unrighteous and unworthy candidates. Here we see the heart of the Heavenly Father whose love is beyond comprehension. It is indeed the greatest demonstration of His unmerited and unfathomable love toward us.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

The natural instinct of man, however, like the prodigal son in the parable of Jesus, is to run away from a father who loves him so deeply.  This son, after spending all his resources on temporal things, came to the realization that being a servant in his father’s house is more desirable than the swine feeding job he ended up having. Then he made a choice that changed his life forever, he decided to humble himself and to go back his father’s house.

It’s amazing to find that his father was waiting for his son’s return all along and his love had not changed a tad bit. Instead of showing anger or resentment, this father could not help but to love his son wholly and completely.  He even made a great feast in honor of his son’s return.  Jesus taught this parable to explain the depth of the amazing and unconditional love of the Heavenly Father.

In this world of many changes and variables, we need to really search and find consistency and stability.  Human feelings and emotions are not immune to the fluctuations that are around us.  In the midst of it knowing the Heavenly Father who loves us no matter what, is indeed the greatest privilege one could have. Yes, His love is unchangeable and eternal, and you can count on it anytime!  Have you come home to Him yet?  If not, let it be today!  May God bless you!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Joy to the world!

The shepherds who were doing night shift keeping watch of their sheep out in the pastures of Bethlehem, didn’t know what was awaiting them.  The only visitors that they could anticipate would be any wild animals coming to steal one of their sheep.  They were totally unaware of the plan that God had for them.  Contrary to their expectation and at an unlikely time, they had a heavenly visitation with the greatest good news that they could ever have.

“Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.” - Luke‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

Usually the birth of a newborn baby would be announced to the immediate family.  It is joyous and celebratory.  How amazing is the love of God that He chose the lowly Shepherds of Bethlehem to hear the wonderful news of the saviour’s birth for the first time.  The heavenly invitation was sent to them not by ordinary means but through an angel along with a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God.

From the angel they knew the place where the child was born is Bethlehem and the sign that was given to them was that a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Unlike the wise men, they didn’t have a guiding star leading them to the right place among the hundreds of mangers in Bethlehem.

It’s important to note the effort they put forth in response to the heavenly invitation they received.  They made haste and went in search of Him and found Him just as the angel had said. Because of their obedience and diligence, they were able to meet Jesus, the true and great shepherd. They returned with great joy praising and glorifying God with immense excitement that they couldn’t help but share this good news to others around them.

As in the case of the Shepherds, even in the darkness and stillness of our night seasons, God can still come through with good news that will forever transform our atmosphere with the jubilance of His presence.  Though the heavenly invitation first came to the shepherds, it was not just for them. Those who respond to the heavenly call to go and seek Him will always find Him.

“Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isa. 55:6)

Jesus is the only one who can give good tidings of great joy and bring peace and goodwill to all people.  As you seek Him today, may He release exceedingly great Joy to your heart and your world!  May God bless you!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Giving Thanks Always

“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” - H. A. Ironside

An attitude of gratitude not only helps appreciate the things at hand but also prepares way for greater things ahead.  Thankfulness has an effect of brightening up any unhappy days.  A thankful heart is a great possession a person could have.

Psalmist David says: “I will praise the name of God with a song, And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” - Psalms‬ ‭69:30‬

In David’s life we see that though he got anointed at a very young age, he had to live through very conflicting environment.  His father didn’t feel that it was important to invite him to the family gathering, his brothers rejected him, he had to be out in the field with wild animals, protecting his sheep.  Though he slayed the giant Goliath and saved an entire nation, he had to run away fearing for his life, away from the jealous king Saul.  But through it all, one thing that he was consistent in doing was playing his harp and giving thanks and praising God.  The psalms he wrote bring comfort and deep encouragement, divinely touching people’s heart and exhorting them to worship God.

In the lineage of King David the worshipper, Jesus the promised Messiah came to this world.  Jesus though He is the son of God, throughout His earthly life constantly gave thanks to the Heavenly Father, who is the giver of all good things.  On the cross Jesus purchased our salvation through His sacrifice, which is the greatest blessing of all that we are eternally grateful for!

When injustice, unrest, chaos and unfairness are the daily reports in the news, the natural and easy response can be to worry and be fearful.  As the world around us gives us plenty of reasons to feel discouraged and be discontent, it takes effort to stay grateful and not to take things for granted.  Thankfulness in our heart helps us to reflect on things in a positive light and to soar over all the negative things around us.

“15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” - Hebrews 13:15

As we look at the many blessings and daily benefits that we enjoy, let’s not forget to thank God. And even if sometimes it may feel like a sacrifice of praise, let’s remember to give thanks.  May the grace of our Lord fill our hearts today and enable us to be thanks-givers not just during a season but everyday! God bless you!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Importune Prayers

"We prevail with men by importunity because they are displeased with it, but with God because he is pleased with it!" - Matthew Henry

The disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach them how to pray.  To demonstrate the importance of prayer, Jesus spoke to them about a person who went at midnight knocking on the door of a friend, for three loaves of bread to set before a guest who unexpectedly visited him that night.

It was unlikely time to open the door for anyone knocking at the door. And the friend didn’t want to get up and open the door.  He had his children sleeping on the bed and like any parent, he didn’t want to wake them up.  So it was only reasonable that he turned down the friend’s request many times.

However, this man refused to take “no” for an answer and didn’t even give it a thought that he was inconveniencing his friend. He had an urgent and specific request for which he knew that his friend had the answer. He didn’t even care if his persistence will negatively impact their relationship. All he wanted was an answer and so he kept on knocking.

Jesus said, “I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.” (Luke 11: 8)

It’s important to note, it’s not the fact that him being a friend that got him the answer, but rather his persistence with such shameless boldness that made his friend to get up and open the door.
Though his request was for just three loaves of bread but when he got the answer he received as many as he needed.  Jesus urged His disciples that they pray in this manner.

God made a way possible through His son Lord Jesus that we may approach Him.  We can come to Him with our requests anytime.  Our God is the loving Heavenly Father who is pleased with and more than willing to supply all our needs, unlike the reluctant friend in the story.  When God answers, he will answer in abundance.  Hence let’s continue to ask, seek and knock with persistence knowing that God sees and honors your importunity. May your answers come in abundance!  God bless you!