Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Thirst of the soul

The well was dry beside the door,
And so we went with pail and can
Across the fields behind the house
To seek the brook if still it ran;” - Robert Frost

Thirst can make anyone stop what they are doing and go in search of water.  Every living thing feels the same when it comes to needing water. We see a thirsty deer depicted in Psalm 42, which pants to get to the water brooks.  May be after a long hot day of wandering around in search of food or after the strain in trying to run to a safe place from its predators, this deer yearns to get to a stream of water to revitalize it’s weary self.  Psalmist was able to relate to this deer as he found his soul deeply wanting to be quenched of its thirst.

As the quenching of the physical thirst is an absolute necessity, even more the thirst of the soul.  However, it could not be satisfied with the natural sources. Even the most expensive drink would not work, when it comes to a weary soul.  Like the mirages in the wilderness, the temporal things leave the soul destitute and wandering for the real thing.

The woman at the well that Jesus encountered in John 4 was also in a similar situation.  She knew where to get water for her physical need and came to draw it out. However, she had a greater thirst deep inside her soul which remained unsatisfied.  She had tried many things and been in different relationships but none of it worked. Whether she recognized her real need or not, that day a miracle was awaiting her.  As she went to draw out water that day, Jesus who was sitting at the well asked her for a drink. It was unusual for a Rabbi to speak to a woman and especially to a Samaritan.  While she stood surprised, Jesus said:

If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” (John 4:10)
The real purpose of the Lord talking to her was that she would come to know the gift of God and who Jesus really is. Jesus gave her a wonderful offer that He is able to give her the living water. He also said, it will spring up in the inner being of whoever drinks it, a fountain of living water.  Hence not just pacifying the immediate thirst but something that is lasting and continually satisfying.

Who wouldn’t want to take up such an offer and for free! What an amazing news for any thirsty soul to have the kind of water that would quench the thirst of the soul and spirit. And moreover, how wonderful to get to know this life-giving source of eternal contentment. If you feel like your wells are running dry and the brooks are nowhere to be seen, let’s remember that His offer still stands, and hence let us draw closer to Him!  May your thirst be quenched and your soul be abundantly satisfied as you drink from Him today, God bless you!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Glorious Resurrection

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” - Martin Luther

Springtime is a season of renewal, new beginnings, new buddings, it brings a sense of rejuvenation.  Even the plants, animals and vegetation awakes with great excitement. It’s a natural law that no matter how long and bitter cold the winter was, the spring always is sure to follow.  The leaves that were dead for weeks and months, comes alive and that amazingly reminds us of the promise of resurrection. No matter how hard and painful the reality of death is, the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ brings unparalleled hope, joy, life and exuberance.

Two of the disciples of Jesus were on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the same day the Lord rose again.  They had heard from the women who went to the tomb and also from some of their fellow disciples about Jesus’ resurrection.  But for them the news was not so exciting initially. They were still finding it hard to digest the facts of Him being betrayed and crucified.  Filled with discouragement and disappointment, they were extremely fearful that those who persecuted Jesus will hurt them also. Wondering that even if Jesus is resurrected, would He remember them and would come to rescue them?  They were not so sure of that and hence were very sad and gloomy, conversing and reasoning with each other and trying to run away from everything.

The Bible says that not only Jesus went and walked with them all the way to their destination, but also took time to explain to them all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself, though they did not know Him, for their eyes were restrained.  They were very slow in believing what the Scriptures had said, nevertheless, quick to invite Jesus over to stay with them where they were staying. This awesome decision changed their destiny and the course of their life journey forever. Their eyes were opened while Jesus blessed the meal and they knew Him instantly as He vanished from their sight. The encounter with the resurrected Lord was so powerful that it revitalized the core of their being that they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem with exhilaration.

Our Lord Jesus always make time for us to walk with us all the way in our journeys. Those who invite Jesus over to their hearts and homes will never ever be the same again.  He will come in and change the course of your journey for better, from hopeless end to endless hope. His resurrection gives us the assurance that as He overcame, so can we also overcome.  No matter how discouraging the circumstances may be, the end can still be glorious as He is Risen, yes Risen Indeed!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Divine Love

“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” -  C. S. Lewis

The evidence of the existence of love in one’s heart finds its expression through words and deeds.  God’s love for mankind is displayed even from the time of creation. In His love, God prepared everything else in this world prior to creating man.  Unlike other creations, man was made in His own image and likeness. Though everything else came into existence by His Word, when it came to man, God took time and care and formed him out the dust of the ground.

With all of that, still we see the greatest display of God’s love at the cross of Jesus. When God decided to demonstrate His love to a lost and fallen world, He chose the most precious and unique way to do so.  It involved not sparing His own son at the cross to redeem you and me, the imperfect, unrighteous and unworthy candidates. Here we see the heart of the Heavenly Father whose love is beyond comprehension. It is indeed the greatest demonstration of His unmerited and unfathomable love toward us.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

The natural instinct of man, however, like the prodigal son in the parable of Jesus, is to run away from a father who loves him so deeply.  This son, after spending all his resources on temporal things, came to the realization that being a servant in his father’s house is more desirable than the swine feeding job he ended up having. Then he made a choice that changed his life forever, he decided to humble himself and to go back his father’s house.

It’s amazing to find that his father was waiting for his son’s return all along and his love had not changed a tad bit. Instead of showing anger or resentment, this father could not help but to love his son wholly and completely.  He even made a great feast in honor of his son’s return.  Jesus taught this parable to explain the depth of the amazing and unconditional love of the Heavenly Father.

In this world of many changes and variables, we need to really search and find consistency and stability.  Human feelings and emotions are not immune to the fluctuations that are around us.  In the midst of it knowing the Heavenly Father who loves us no matter what, is indeed the greatest privilege one could have. Yes, His love is unchangeable and eternal, and you can count on it anytime!  Have you come home to Him yet?  If not, let it be today!  May God bless you!