Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Guiding Star

"I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my guide." - Martin Luther

At the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the wise men from the East set on a journey seeing an unusual star in the sky.  They first went to the palace of King Herod in Jerusalem thinking that they were going to pay homage to the newborn king of Israel.  They were very excited to enquire of this wonderful news, however, to their surprise their visit seem to only trouble King Herod, as well as all the people in Jerusalem.  The king immediately gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, and they helped identify that Bethlehem would be the birthplace - where Christ or Messiah would be born. As the wise men were sent out to Bethlehem, strangely, no one showed enthusiasm in taking the journey with them in search of their promised Messiah.

The responses of the king and the people of Jerusalem may have made the wise men even wonder about the relevance of their long and hard journey.  Perplexed as they may be, they didn’t give up but rather resumed their journey. A great shift occurred when they looked up again and saw the marvelous sight.  The star that they had seen in the East, was still up in the sky, though they had lost sight of it briefly, the star never had lost track of them.

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” - Matthew 2:10

The sight of the star brought back renewed purpose and meaning to their journey. The star shined brightly with God’s love, care and affirmation.  Though the people who were expected to take the journey with them were not present, God has always been with them throughout their journey. The star led them all the way till they came to where the young Child was, and stood over there.  The star has guided them to the right place, among hundreds of mangers in Bethlehem. How awesome is the experience to see Heaven standing with you, helping and guiding you.

The star led them to the Lord, who himself is the Bright and Morning Star.”(Revelation 22:16b).  His birth indeed brought good tidings of great joy to all people. Jesus is the only one who can give hope to anyone who is wandering in darkness and discouragement.  Through Him we can also experience the amazing love of God filling our hearts with everlasting hope.

Even if sometimes we lose sight of the way, God will never lose sight of us, and we can count on Him to watch over us, to lead us and guide us all the way!  As you look up to Him today, may your heart rejoice and be glad with exceeding joy, as His divine guidance lead you to your right destination!!

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