Thursday, December 21, 2023

You’re not alone


The right relationships in our lives can certainly encourage and empower us. For example, when a trustworthy friend says to you, “I am with you”, it could mean a lot of things like, their physical presence, to be on the same page with you, taking a step along with you, giving you their undivided attention, fully supporting what you are doing, honest correction, or loving counsel, etc.

Whenever God called people out with a mission, the promise He always gave was.. “I am with you”.

Whether it was Abraham with whom God made a covenant, Moses who lead a great multitude on an adventurous journey from Egypt through wilderness, Joshua His successor who continued the mission to the promised land or David or great prophets, and the apostles in the Bible, the first thing God promised was that His presence will be with them. 

When Jesus came into this world, another name that was given Him is Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us”, making this special promise true for anyone who would choose to follow Him.

Imagine the God who made this entire universe coming down to this earth as a little helpless baby to be with His creation, identifying as one of them. He chose to be with us, to redeem us and to make sure that we have the blessed hope of spending eternity with Him. 

Jesus coming and being with us is not just a past event or a futuristic hope, but a present day experiential reality while we live our lives on the earth. His promise remains the same, as He remains the same, yesterday, today and forever. He told His disciples, “..lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭20‬ b).. 

We see this confirmed in another passage, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 b). That takes the promise a step further, in saying, He will NEVER leave you, NOR forsake you. What a firm proclamation, and a guaranteed promise of His presence and support. 

No other friend, fellow human beings, or any world systems can ever give you such an assurance, but only the Lord Jesus Christ. Not just during the good times, but even when you pass through valleys and adversities, yes, in all seasons of our lives, He walks closely with us, speaks to us, and provides help in all our needs. He is still Immanuel - God with us!

As you draw near to Him today, may you be enveloped in His sweet presence, and may your heart overflow with joy and comfort which only He is able to provide, and may He bless you abundantly!

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